Here’s an update from our work last week.
The main focus on Saturday was getting the galley units fitted and measured up, along with making a start framing a simple sofa unit on the starboard side. Top right is the old little unit that’s been torn out, the new floor and bilge work, then finally the couple of standard galley units I’ve fitted:
Eventually it might looks like this (my dodgy 3d design):
Here’s the beginning of a very simple sofa, to be finished off next week (blurry go pro capture):
We did a few other jobs too, like trying on the ‘rubbing strakes’ I’m making out of some PVC strips! Cheap and cheerful but should do the job for now. Curving them to the lines of the hull is a little tricky, but miles easier than steaming wood! 🙂 The white strakes provide a little bit of protection but mostly cover up the uneven lines where the freeboard meets the plank. The top rubbing strake is going on soon too.
The video below is a mashup of progress when I started the main work back in January vs the progress now in October. I think we’re about half way!